Paris 8 - FRANCE

Paris team

  • Nicole Blondeau : lecturer, sciences of education, department Communication/French as a foreign language, University Paris 8 .  Languages and cultures didactic, sciences of education. For the project, she works with French students whose parents come from immigration. They are often under-educated, even illiterate. 
  • Ferroudja Allouache : Secondary school teaching diploma. Teacher of french as a foreign/second language, department Communication/French as a foreign language, University Paris 8 .  Doctoral student, literature. Languages and cultures didactic.
  • Véronique Mohy-Cardoso: Secondary school teaching diploma. Teacher of french as native language in secondary education (pupils between 13-15 years old)
  • Rachida Gill:  Master 1 foreign languages didactic. Teacher of french as a foreign/second language, primary education. (Pupils between 7 and 11 years old, just arrived in France)
  •  Radija Taourit : Master 1 Foreign languages didactic, now in M2, sociologist, teacher of french as native language in secondary education (pupils between 13-15 years old). For the project PLURILA, she teaches french in an association with women of the old immigration (50-60 and more years old) who want to learn and write in french (they speak French, “a broken French”, as they say).
  • Malika: voluntary teacher in  Radija Taourit’s association (it’s not “he”r association, she just works, also, there)
  • Aïssé Traoré, M2 Foreign languages didactic. She works now in an association with foreign pupils, just arrived in France (11-15 years old) and adults, also just arrived in France. I asked her to work with her mother, who comes from Mali, who owns a very interesting linguistic repertoire.
  • Sahra Idoughi, Doctoral student, Foreign languages didactic. She works in different associations with foreign adult learners.


Target populations:

The Paris team will work, and had begun to work, with migrant children, adolescents, adults and students whose parents come from out of France. We are working about migration, migrant’s languages, connections/links between mother tongue (s) and identity, social and personnel integration in a foreign country.


The specific articulation of the project in our context (main objectives, main activities and main expected results)

Notre projet s’inscrit dans une dimension inter-générationnelle et essaiera d’explorer comment se “bricolent” les constellations identitaires en contexte migratoire et multi/plurilingue, d’analyser quels sont les effets des transmissions ou des non transmissions culturelles, linguistiques, historiques au sein des familles dans des environnements sociaux et familiaux singuliers. Il s’intéresse aussi à la dimension du genre et tentera d’éclairer les obstacles que rencontrent certaines femmes issues de l’ancienne immigration à entrer en littératie.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.